lwchkg’s land

Welcome to lwchkg’s website

Welcome to lwchkg’s website. Here you can find my computer programs and notes in mathematics.

You may also find something about me.

Latest posts

Hello Dict

English dictionary build with React.

Sunrise and Sunset Times App

An app that shows sunrise and sunset times, built with Flutter.

Teams Assignment Explorer

Desktop app that helps you mark student assignment in Microsoft Teams.


An VB/C# text editor with the ability to run code and code snippets

sunlight-x syntax highlighter

“Intelligent” syntax highlighter developed originally by Tommy Montgomery. Now ported to node.js.

Avoid std::sort(..., ..., std::greater<int>()) and the Like

Dealing with problems sorting numbers in C++14, C++11 and C++98.

Columns Clone

A Columns clone made in 1997 that features a “PRO” mode.

Beam Game (updated)

A Nibbles type game. Be the longest surviving beam.

Add Spaces to a Phrase/Paragraph Without Spaces

Interview prep - write a program that breaks up a string of words with no spaces into a string with the appropriate spaces.

VB.NET Utilities for Teachers

A collection of VB.NET utilities created when I was teaching VB.NET in a secondary school.

Graph Paper Plotter

Creates rectangular and isometric graph papers in EMF format.

Pipes Connect Game

Connect the pipes into a single fully connected network, without loops and free ends.

Notes in Inequalities

Inequalities notes for mathematics competitions.

Notes in Number Theory

Number theory notes for secondary students.