lwchkg’s land

Teams Assignment Explorer

Teams Assignment Explorer is a Windows desktop program to help you mark Microsoft Teams assignments in your PC. See the following video for a demo of the program.

(Note: please keep the captions on because I did not speak in the video.)

Why this program?

In Microsoft Teams, we are supposed to view and annotate assignments in an integrated interface. Unfortunately, editing or annotating assignments is limited to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.

But for complex assignments (consider math and chemical equations), it is still preferred to write on actual paper and upload by scanning to PDFs. In this way, it is impossible to mark assignment inside Teams interface.

Teachers finally have found a way to annotate on those PDFs: using the OneDrive app on mobile devices. However, the interface is so cluttered that about 5-10 clicks are needed to open each file:

Libraries → [name of class] → Student work → Submitted files → [name of student][name of homework] → [version number] → [name of the file]

Imagine your class having 200 assignments at the end of the year. This is unacceptable. Hence this program is here.

Getting the program

Note: if you are not using Microsoft Teams for assignment, there is not much point getting the program.

Wing-chung Leung
